I'm Back! Where I've Been and New Schedule
Hello everyone! I am really happy to be back posting on here because it's been almost a month since my last post. I first of all owe you an explanation as to why I've been gone. The main reason that I've been gone is because I haven't been reading at all and this is because school has just thrown me completely off track and has put me into a massive slump, every book I read bores me or takes me forever to read and I end up putting it back down.
Now I think I may have overcome my slump as of right now and hopefully I won't be slumpy any time soon again! One good thing did come out of having this reading/blogging break, I've had time to perfect my posting schedule and I think I am finally happy with it after having a gap on Thursday for ages.
So for this new schedule I have decided that I will be having two weeks. On one week (named week one) I will do posts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These posts will be:
Monday: Review
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Friday: Discussion
Then the week following week one will be, you guessed it, week two! One week two I will be posting on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. These posts will be:
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday
Thursday: Review
Saturday: Stacking the Shelves
Then the week after week two will go back to week one, then week two again etc. You get the idea. I'm doing this because now that my school work has become a lot more serious and time consuming I will not be able to juggle that with a blog post everyday and by filling Thursday's empty slot with a review, I will be doing just as many reviews but with a better schedule.
That is all for now! I hope you enjoyed this post and now I'm going to catch up on all the posts I've missed!
Happy Reading!
Lily x